Sarah W.
Matthew is an incredible yoga teacher because he doesn't just like yoga: he also likes people and is committed to their growth. He teaches because he wants YOU to have a wonderful experience, to develop a practice that is powerful on the mat and gives you skills to use once you are off it. If you've been turned off by yoga teachers who intimidate you or can't seem to adjust to your level and needs, Matthew will show you how individualized instruction--even in a group setting--makes a positive difference. Whether you're an advanced yogi/fitness junkie (it me!) or a total beginner, Matthew will meet you where you are and give you the tools you need to develop a practice that works for you.
I've been practicing yoga with Matthew for a few years now and it has changed my life. I am stronger, leaner, more flexible, and more mindful. And the lower back pain I have from two slipped discs is almost totally gone! Matthew has this magic ability to teach classes that are athletic and physically challenging while also being emotionally calming and mentally nourishing. Every time I leave my mat after one of his classes, I feel renewed. I take his sculpt classes for cardio and strength and his power yoga classes for focus and flexibility. Honestly, at this point Matthew could tell me he's teaching juggling yoga set to kazoo music and I would sign up.
I was skeptical of doing yoga via Zoom at first, but Matthew has figured out a way to translate his instruction to this new format. You'll receive personal attention in every class, words of encouragement, and a yoga practice that melts away the stress of pandemic life! I'm so grateful to Matthew for being such a key part of my wellness and well-being.
Laura V.
Thank you, I loved the last 3 days (of The Total Hips Challenge), really set me up for my work day!

Natalie T.
I have had the pleasure of taking Matthew’s classes in person and online, and his virtual classes make you feel like you’re in the room with him. Not only is Matthew reassuring and extremely knowledgeable, his sequencing sets you up for success for the peak posture of class. Learning from Matthew has deepened my practice and allowed me to push myself in challenging poses that I used to find intimidating. Matthew is a great listener, and even takes recommendations from people in class. I’m very grateful to have Matthew as a teacher, because I feel like I have a lot to learn from him and his classes are a great way to find balance, strength, and peace within yourself. Matthew is a great spiritual guide and I cannot recommend his classes enough.

Jazmine C.
I have been practicing with Matthew's guidance for a little bit over a year now. Matthew is very attentive, kind, and brings so much knowledge to the mat in every class. Matthew encourages his students to try challenging poses, welcoming failures just as much as triumphs. Since practicing with Matthew, I have grown so much in my personal yoga practice and take his mantras and positive words with me on and off my mat!

Sofi D.
Matthew is one of the most higher level yoga teachers I have ever experienced. He breaks down advanced yoga poses to its simplest form so that we can work on them step by step to get stronger with the ultimate goal of advancing into the pose. He connects the physical aspect of yoga with the mental aspect so it's an equal balance between both. There are some yoga teachers that put together the same series of poses or whatever they feel like that evening. With Matthew it is obvious that each class is planned out meticulously with a goal and each move has its own purpose and intention.
Matthew listens to the needs of his students. If I request something he works it in or if I am having a problem with something he offers to help before class. Even though it's a group class it feels more private like my personal needs are being heard and met.
Matthew's classes have an amazing flow and always include some ab work that I love. I've only been practicing with Matthew since March but I feel so much stronger and confident in what my body can do thanks to his guidance.
Matthew's enthusiasm to teach and learn from his students does not go unnoticed. His passion is transparent and I enjoy being in his class just as much as he enjoys teaching it!
Shelley L.
I enjoy taking Matthew's classes for a number of reasons. His classes are encouraging, challenging and relaxing. I leave his classes feeling refreshed both physically and emotionally. His approach to yoga is inclusive; he welcomes all levels and provides modifications for those who need it. Each class is different and he provides a rationale for the structure and flow for the class. You will feel better physically, emotionally and mentally after one of Matthew's classes.